Tuesday 7 June 2011

solar energy

To overcome the ever-increasing power crisis, the government is installing now solar energy-powered streetlights. Such solar energy-assissted lights have also been installed in some parks of Islamabad.

Journalist Syed Salim Shahzad,

Journalist Syed Salim Shahzad, who went missing some days ago, was found slain near Mandi Bahauddin. He was bureau chief of Asia Times Online for Islamabad, Pakistan.

His last story is said to have troubled some elements, who killed him.

Karachi received heavy rains that caused a huge loss to the people

In 2007, Karachi received heavy rains that caused a huge loss to the people. At some places, the windstorms uprooted trees which fell onto the nearby parked cars.

This hand-powered fan sells

This hand-powered fan sells like a hot cake in the summer season.

ISLAMABAD: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mullen

ISLAMABAD: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mullen are again in Pakistan to repeate "do more" mentra against terrorism. (May 2011)

MADINA CITY: Federal Information Minister Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan

MADINA CITY: Federal Information Minister Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan during her visit to King Fahad Quran Complex on May 26, 2011

MANGO - The king of all fruits